Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Vegan Experiment - Results

Huh, well getting the last V.E. post up has taken me a little longer than I thought it would.  Things have been busy around here.  Partially this is because I had an interview yesterday morning that I think, finger and toes and arms and legs crossed, went very well.  Hopefully I'll hear something soon and then I can be a real lawyer after 2 years of being a computer monkey.  Partially it's because we decided to have Thanksgiving at our house, so there's been a ton of grocery shopping and preparations going on.  And partially it's because of the large beast pictured here, who came to live with us on Sunday.  His name is Calvin.  He's a 1-year-old, 77 pound albino doberman who was rescued from a breeder in Georgia.  He enjoys chewing up pillows, trying to play with our cats (who are understandably disturbed by his presence), and laying on the couch like a giant, furry throw pillow.  He's a big goober, but we love him.  #10 of the 101 things accomplished!

Anyway, so, the results.  I am happy to report that with the exception of the honey face masks I didn't cheat, although I was sorely tempted my last night.  We went to the Roller Derby on Saturday night and, not realizing that we would be there for four hours, I didn't eat much beforehand.  I was so starving that when we got home and Max attempted to eat the vegan chili leftovers I may have threatened him with bodily harm.  With that exception though, I'd say it went pretty well.  My skin cleared up a lot and I definitely felt better knowing exactly what was in my food at all times.  The stomach problems were a little annoying, but they went away after the first four days or so, after which I felt fine.  As for the recipes, there are a couple that I'll definitely be making again.  The scones, for sure, and the enchiladas.  The pizza and chili are also keepers, and Pancakes a la Calvin will join the weekend breakfast rotation.  As for the rest of it, it was certainly good, but I don't know that I'd make it again.  I'm glad that I've learned the trick to getting tofu to fry up well and most everything was certainly good, but something has to really knock me out to join the rotation or my recipe collection would get kind of unmanageable.

That said, however, I wouldn't want to be vegan forever.  For one thing, it would have been nice to have a snack while at the Roller Derby, but instead I kind of suffered.  I'm just not prepared enough at all times to have options at the ready for every occasion.  Another problem is the general mess it created.  I mean, my kitchen was always in a state of near disaster because of the sheer volume of cooking I was doing.  All in all though, I'll definitely keep some of the ideas and I won't be eating as much dairy or processed crap anymore because I just felt better without it.  So, lesson learned and all that.  Plus, an experiment is always kind of fun, if only to challenge myself a bit.  I'll keep posting any good recipes that I come across, and I'll let you know how Thanksgiving goes, since it's semi-vegan due to the presence of non-carnivores.

But that's not all.  I would be remiss if I didn't end this post with a big thank you to a certain special something.  So thank you, dishwasher, for your all your hard work.  Without you all of this would never have been possible, and your hard work and dedication were an inspiration to me.  May you relish the little vacation that you're enjoying right now before all hell breaks loose tomorrow for the holiday

1 comment:

  1. Zzzz Bo-beast. He make-uh me happeh.

    Great job getting through the vegan week and enjoying it as you went. Your little Liza footprint was weee this past week, and you lived without taking anything from an animal who didn't have the option to say, "Nah, that's mine, I don't want to give it up."

    Good on you!
